Project Overview

Elysium retains the characteristics of EVM-compatible chains and is built on the robust Substrate core framework. However, it goes beyond a mere EVM implementation; Elysium is a highly specialized Layer 1 chain that mirrors Ethereum’s Web3 RPC and APIs. The development of Elysium’s relay chain leverages Substrate, a blockchain-building framework that encapsulates Parity Technologies’ extensive experience in developing Ethereum, Bitcoin, and various enterprise blockchains. Elysium is a groundbreaking blockchain platform, maintaining all the characteristics of EVM-compatible chains and built on the robust Substrate core framework.

Interactions on Elysium are facilitated through Parachains, processed in parallel to enable highly scalable systems. Transactions are distributed across multiple chains, allowing for numerous other transactions to occur simultaneously.

Project Requirements

At the time of its launch, Vulcan Forged did not have a blockchain or token. As the community expanded, we recommended that NFTs utilize their native token for transactions, leading to the launch of their PYR (ERC-20) token. However, reliance on third parties for thousands of daily transactions raised concerns about the entire ecosystem's reliability and consistency. Additionally, they required a solution to manage every transaction with a structured code base. Ethereum was a potential choice given its capabilities, but the high transaction costs made it prohibitively expensive to maintain.

As a result, many projects had already transitioned to Polygon, and we proposed cloning Polygon with specific customizations they needed. However, due to long generation times and high costs, transitioning to Polygon proved to be an impractical decision. Given their prominence in the metaverse and gaming industries, they sought a system that could endure for approximately 10-15 years.

BloxBytes Solutions

Based on the client's requirements, we developed an ecosystem featuring high performance, low gas fees, and the latest technology, specifically Rust. Initially, sourcing expertise in this nascent technology proved challenging. Consequently, we outsourced to a resource who had previously collaborated with us. After detailing the requirements, we tasked him with developing a blockchain compatible with Helium and Metamask. However, during follow-up meetings, it became clear that Rust could not achieve 100% EVM compatibility—a significant setback as our commitment was to deliver a fully EVM-compatible blockchain. Our outsourced team concluded that Elysium, which is 100% EVM compatible, could not integrate with Metamask. Meanwhile, our in-house team, still familiarizing themselves with Elysium, was tasked with setting up a Rust-based blockchain. When the outsourced team delivered a blockchain meeting limited requirements, we used it as a model to enhance our understanding.

Subsequent exploration revealed that the blockchain was built on an outdated version, hence it was not EVM compatible. Our team realized that a blockchain developed on Rust could indeed be compatible with EVM and Metamask. Our in-house resource then modified and upgraded it to achieve full compatibility, aiming to implement the blockchain on the latest technology platform.

Additionally, we set up a database explorer with indexers. Although the blockchain was now operational, communication was hampered as users lacked a centralized system for data retrieval and storage. We compiled all process details and timeline distributions and shared them with the client. Vulcan Forged required more than just a blockchain; Elysium provided a platform that allowed the gaming studio to integrate and collaborate seamlessly with us, even without prior blockchain knowledge.

Features of the Platform

Code Base Structure

Code Base Structure

We upgraded the entire project to the latest technology version by providing a well-structured code base.

100 Percent EVM Compatible

100 Percent EVM Compatible

Our development of the Elysium blockchain in Rust guarantees full EVM compatibility

Metamask Compatible

Metamask Compatible

Built using the latest technology, Rust, our platform is fully compatible with Metamask

SKT System and APIs

SKT System and APIs

We implemented an SKT system specifically tailored for integration with gaming environments, along with comprehensive APIs.

Minting Engine

Minting Engine

Our robust minting engine facilitates the creation of NFTs, enabling efficient minting processes

Cloud Wallet

Cloud Wallet

We offer a cloud wallet solution that maintains transparency and security of data

What’s New

  • An Energy-Efficient Protocol - Utilizing a next-generation nominated proof-of-stake (NPoS) model, Elysium drastically reduces energy consumption compared to traditional blockchains. According to a recent study, Elysium has the lowest carbon footprint among proof-of-stake protocols, consuming only the energy equivalent of 6.6 US households per year.

  • Smart Contract Languages and Tools - Elysium supports compiling to EVM bytecode using Solidity, Vyper, and any other languages capable of such compilation. This flexibility allows developers to use the same languages for their smart contracts as they do for their application layers.

  • DApps - T Built atop the Ethereum blockchain, the Layer2 protocol ensures that all transactions are secured by Ethereum, offering fast and cost-effective transactions.

Results - This is where BloxBytes comes in

Using our solution, any gaming community can develop a blockchain without prior knowledge of blockchain development. They simply need a plug-in pin to incorporate our APIs into their applications for seamless integration with their blockchain.

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Words From Our Clients!

We have a diverse clientele that speaks highly of our services and the solutions we offer. With our expertise, we ensure to extend a productive and growth-oriented partnership to our customers. Let our clients\' success stories speak for the quality and dedication we bring to every collaboration

Jamie Thomson
Jamie Thomson

(CEO & Founder Of Vulcan Forged )

Our partnership with BloxBytes has played a pivotal role in our growth journey. Their skilled team converted our concept into a high-performing product. They offered solutions, insights, and concepts that expanded the understanding of our own domain. With an extensive knowledge of the blockchain market, their team perfectly addressed our specific needs. Through the creation of multiple Proof of Concepts (POCs), BloxBytes developed our NFT marketplace, decentralized exchange, and the comprehensive wallet management solution, ‘myforge’.

10+ Years of Excellence in Building Comprehensive Web3 and Blockchain Solutions

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